Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Pointless Sites is a website documenting the existence of eponymous web pages. I chose this website as an example of a website done well. The main-page summarizes the entire endeavor quickly, and boasts a felicitous, though arbitrarily labeled, navigation bar. There is always a way to get from one page to another, and back again to the home page. The color scheme is consistent, and the lists of pointless websites are similarly organized, regardless of their category. While some links don't work, as pointless sites tend to die quickly, the website is updated with some frequency. One of the features which kindled my preference was that clicking the links opened up independent tabs in my browser, allowing me to open as many pointless sites as I wished but still reference the list itself.

Daxo.de is certainly a website, though that is all which can be said for it. I chose this website as an example of a terrible website. I have no idea what it is about. The only discernible pages, like "News" offered nothing but a blinding array of animations and, what I believed is termed "mystery meat navigation." The other pages on the site are immensely confusing, but enjoyable if you have a surrealist's sense of humor. The homepage has no distinguishable menu other than a matrix of moving pictures while incoherent sounds fill what could be otherwise pensive silence. Perhaps this is an excellent website if the web designer was going for the W.T.F. factor.

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